Welcome to GCC Madera’s resources for parents

We want to support you as you bring your children up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). Here are some resources we hope you will find helpful.


As parents, it is essential for us to model Christ-like behavior in our homes (Titus 2:7-8). In order for us to be a godly example for our children we must both be discipling others and receiving discipleship (Philippians 3:12-17). If you need help finding good discipleship relationships please contact our church office, at 559-674-1172, so we can help you with this. 

THe Beginners Bible

For very young children, The Beginners Bible is a great place to start. At  beginnersbible.com there are games, videos and free printable activities.

Jesus Story Book Bible

This book available to listen to on YouTube and is written for 4 – 8 year olds, but anyone can enjoy it because it does a great job of pointing every lesson in the bible to Jesus and God’s overarching plan for salvation.

The Shepherd On The Search

For younger kids, this is a fun activity to do in the lead up to Christmas: The Shepherd On The Search – Discover the joy of finding Christ at Christmas.

Answers in Genesis

We use this for our Sunday morning Bible classes. They also offer a home school curriculum, as well as a variety of other great resources.  answersingenesis.org

Precept – Discover for Yourself (Kids)

These books are great for 8-12+ year old readers, Discover for Yourself (Kids) – Precept books are great. They use the inductive style (just like the adult precepts studies) and give kids the tools to study the bible for themselves.

Institute for Creation Research

This is a great resource for the scientific evidence that backs the creation account. In their Acts & Facts Magazine you will find faith building science related articles.

Family Worship Bible Guide

This book offers chapter by chapter teaching and engaging questions that are very simple and helpful for families.

Reading the Bible

Nothing will ever beat reading through the bible – pick a book and read through it with your kids: We recommend starting with one of the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John), or Proverbs, Acts, Romans, or 1 John.

Have a Suggestion?

If you have any comments or suggestions, please email our Children’s Ministry Director, Lavonne Marshall, at lavonne@gccmadera.com.